
Understanding turbulent mixing is one of the outstanding central problems of physics, with applications throughout industry and the natural world. This conference will examine the effects of stable stratification on turbulent mixing with particular emphasis on the physical processes responsible for mass and momentum transfers in a wide range of flows. Presentations discussing the relevant oceanographic, atmospheric and industrial flows applications along with those discussing the theoretical, experimental and computational aspects of this topic are invited. The latest results in stratified turbulence will be presented with the view to developing a holistic approach that links experiment, calculation and theory in the quantitative combination needed to gain the insights into the dynamics. 

The conference will begin with a reception on the evening of Sunday March 22, and there will be five half-day technical sessions and the conference will end on  the afternoon of Wednesday March 25. 


Some rain is forecast on Tuesday with maximum temperature of 9C and minimum of 3C


Is now closed

On site registration will be from 0800 on Monday March 23

Conference dinner

The dinner will be held in St John's College on Tuedsay March 24 with drinks at 7pm followed by dinner at 7.30pm. Dress is smart casual.